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10-Day challenge: Monetize your expertise online - Day 1: making money with meaning

monetize your expertise

Becoming an online expert and teach what you are passionate about to tell others is the best place to be.

Earning from the exchange of your expertise brings a feeling of a meaningful life, of your worthiness that comes from seeing that people open their valets in appreciation of what you are giving them.

Words of appreciation are beautiful, but the money people pay for your help is an unmistakable language of recognition.

Today's Task:

Define your topic, something you love to talk about and now will help others to know. Make sure that it is a topic you like to be involved in and are passionate about developing for your satisfaction.

The Online Expert Path is about You creating genuinely fulfilling lifestyle for yourself — a lifestyle filled with purpose, prosperity and joy.

Let me know in the comment below what topic you choose and why and if you have questions, ask.

I'm looking forward to seeing you thrive!


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