The first thing to say is: Plan your week, month and year, so you always have a clear direction a Compass so to speak.
Knowing where you are headed and why (with measurable goals for the mileposts on your journey) you will be able to cut out much of the wasted time.
The next ingredient is PASSION. You must be on fire to have the fulfilling, satisfying feeling that will fuel your energy and help you overcome the challenges and obstacles that will show up along the path.
Clarity, Passion, and Persistence paired with massive even imperfect daily action will always keep you in the zone and ahead of the masses.
Now you only need to let the opinion of others not derail you. Let them live their lives and take care of fulfilling your heart's desires in the calling of your life serving the world with your talents and skills and passions.
Live in appreciation for your life and the compassion for those around you.
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