Are you moving toward your vision?
Use the four-question test!
But, before you can ask those four questions, you need to have the basis.
- Do you have a vision of the life you are building? (write down how you want to live, write down the ideal picture of your relationships, work, financial wellbeing and your physical wellbeing and add new details to it in the frequent review.
- Do you know what values are important to you and do you run your life according to those values?
Once you know your vision which is your destination, you have your GPS set.
Now it's about to establish periodical check-up and ask yourself these four questions when planning the next period of work/life.
Look at the goal you are working toward and answer the following questions:
What did I want to achieve?
- What worked?
- What didn't?
- What is the takeaway
- How will I utilize this insight for improvement?
Clarity is Power!
Get clear and move forward!
Enjoy! 👍
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