When we generate the idea at the beginning of a project, we feel the high energy flowing and move forward in inspired action generating empowering results.
Actually, the same experience may be noticed when we date the person we fall in love with.
The beginning that is inspired is always enlivening.
But can we keep the enthusiasm? And how?
The fire within we feel at the beginning has enemies, and when we don't keep it burning, the project, work, business or even relationship loses its stimulation.
I am no expert on relationships, so I'll keep the story focused on success and methods you may benefit from knowing.
I mentioned the use of a vision board as a goal-setting tool before. Today I'd like to make you aware of the 3 enemies of your success and how you can use the vision board to eliminate them.
I'm talking about:
- Lack of Clarity
- Lack of Focus
- Lack of Excitement
Remember any of the times you were about to get your dream car or were dating.
You were very clear about what you wanted.
You were so focused, dreaming of having the experience
And you were excited about it - maybe even smiling "without reason" when you just thought of the experience.
In the above example, the three mental states, clarity, focus and excitement, were caused by anticipation of an event you desired to experience.
Were you tired or bored? No. You felt alive, and a flow of ideas expanded the vision of your dream. Or am I wrong? Let me know :)
I guess we all know such wonderful times and moments.
Now I want to talk about how we can intentionally generate the heightened creative mental state, so we get into the inspired constructive creativity and good feeling about our life and work.
Why should we want to generate a heightened emotional state when we speak about work or business?
Here is a piece of science Called The broaden-and-build theory in positive psychology that suggests that positive emotions broaden one's awareness and encourage novel, exploratory thoughts. (ref the Scholarly article here.)
Here you have it. Positive emotions inspire ideas we can use to be not only more creatively successful but also be happier while we improve our career, business or relationships.
And how does creating a vision board for goal setting, success and self-improvement fit into this?
Images trigger emotions. The only thing to be aware of is to notice the emotional response we are having when watching the images on the vision board, making sure they are affirmative, creating the excitement of anticipation.
have a vision board as a flip-book or a fold-out you can even carry with you when you travel or take on a camping trip :)
For the success booster effect, take time in the morning to contemplate the life your vision board depicts and notice the ideas that will be inspired. Make a note of the ideas and take one action toward the goal every day.
Have Fun!
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